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Friday, October 22, 2010

How to Make WoW Gold By Dungeon Leveling

There are two major questions that every WoW player is always looking for an answer to, and it is dungeon leveling that provides the perfect solution to both of these questions. Most or probably all WoW players are trying to find faster ways to level their characters and new ways to make more gold than they ever had before. Good thing there's patch 3.3 in Wrath of the Lich King. Thanks to it! We now have the dungeon finder system. The dungeon finder solved a problem so many players had but not being able to find a group to complete the dungeons with. However, the dungeon finder is much more than a tool for level 80 characters to earn badges and to gear up too. It also provides the perfect way to power level.

More Experience
Many of the early WoW dungeons from the original game and the Burning Crusade have been overlooked in the past few years, thanks to all the new content from the expansion of Wrath of the Lich King. But never forget that those early parts of the game had dungeons too, and these dungeons provide a very valuable resource for those who want to power level their characters more quickly than they ever had before. The average experience earned per second is far higher for those who are dungeon leveling instead of the traditional solo questing, and the rewards earned from completing dungeon quests are of much better quality than those earned in the solo route.

More Gold
Additionally, the dungeon leveling also allows you to earn a lot more gold in a shorter amount of time than questing alone. There are three ways that dungeon leveling can help you earn plenty of WoW gold. The most basic way is the fact that you are killing monsters much more quickly and efficiently. Each kill gives you a cut of the gold as a loot, and party members take turns looting skills. Simply selling all the trash you up from all of those kills will help you earn even more gold than you could do by questing alone.

The second level of earning more gold from dungeon leveling is the fact that you will have more access to unique and useful items that can be sold on the auction house. If you do not know how to use the auction house, then it is definitely worth your time to learn, especially if you are power leveling through the dungeon finder system. The creatures will drop cloth, gems, and other materials for various professions, and all of these will be sell on the auction house. You increase the likelihood of actually seeing these items drop by going the dungeon leveling route instead of the solo questing one.

The third level of making WoW gold from the dungeon leveling also involves the auction house, but it requires that you have an enchanter in your group. If there is an enchanter in the group, then you will the option to "Disenchant" in addition to "Need" or "Greed". By selection "Disenchant" is a great way to get enchanting materials and earn some extra gold on the auction house.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Four Reasons You Should Try Dungeon Leveling

The fastest way to power level your character is through dungeon leveling and it came to the World of Warcraft with patch 3.3. The dungeon finder now makes makes it easy for you to find dungeons groups at any time of the day.

Four reasons why you should try dungeon leveling:
1. More Experience - There are several reasons why instance leveling gets you far more experience than power leveling through solo quests. One reason is your down time is kept to a minimum. You will get many more average kills and spend a lot less time trying to track down your corpse if you die. Well in fact, you will find that you probably don't die as often since you have four other players helping you.

Completing the dungeon quests is a very important part of dungeon leveling. Blizzard has increased the rewards you get for running the dungeons, granting double the experience for dungeon quests. It means that you will have to run twice as many solo quests to get the same amount of experience you will get from the dungeon quests.

2. Better Rewards - Dungeon leveling gives you the access to much better rewards. You will find the drops you get from killing the bosses inside of the dungeons are much better quality than you get from solo questing. Better gear will make you more powerful which in turn makes your power leveling even easier. You will find that the rewards for completing dungeon quests are of much higher quality than the rewards you get for turning in solo quests. Instead of gear that's made up entirely of green items, you will have a chance to get the highest quality blue items that are available for your current level.

3. More Fun - Instance leveling is much more fun than playing by yourself. You will get a chance to interact with players from other servers and learn how to work as part of a team. Many players didn't set foot in a single dungeon until they reached level 80 before the dungeon finder. Most players got all the way to level 80 without a full understanding of the three roles needed for every group: rank, healer, and DPS which is simply known as damage. Dungeon leveling will truly unlock the fun that was meant to be had by all.

4. More Gold - Instance leveling gives you a great new way to make gold. When the dungeon finder exists, all of the old gold guides are out of date now. It's sure that you can farm your way to plenty of gold, but only dungeon leveling gives you unique access to enchanting materials whenever you happen to have a player who has the enchanting profession. Rolling to disenchant green items that you don't need is a great way to get these materials to sell and enchanting materials always bring in gold on the auction house. You can always get gold with every single kill. Naturally the amount of gold you make is much higher since you are killing more monsters per second.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dungeon Leveling Guides

Many WoW players have their own strategies for power leveling. But they proved that dungeon leveling is the only fastest way to go.
You will earn more experience during hours of spending in the dungeons because you don't have to spend precious minutes travelling between zones. No matter where you are playing, the dungeon finder will take you right to your dungeon.
Dungeon leveling adds a new layer of fun to this already addicting game. You may get the chance to experience many Classic and Burning Crusade dungeons you never done before if you do leveling instead of solo quests. This offers new content for veteran WoW players and a fresh way to introduce new players to the game.
Dungeon leveling isn't just only about the extra experience but instance leveling also opens the door for anyone to learn how to make gold on the auction house. The simplest way to do this is by choosing "disenchant" on any items you don't need. The disenchant option will only be available if you have an enchanter in your group.
All players who choose the enchanting profession have the ability to disenchant magical items. And simply having an enchanter in your group will also allow you to disenchant items. If you are in a group and someone loots something that is unique, rare or magical, a box opens up that will ask you what to do on that item. If you want the item to be yours, you can select "Need" and it will be yours. If you have an enchanter in your group, the "Disenchant" icon will be lit up. But if you have no interest in the item and the "Disenchant" icon is lit up, you should almost always choose to disenchant. Now this will allow you to get the enchanting materials and sell them on the auction house.
There are so many advantages to instance leveling that you simply can't afford not to try it. You won't believe how quickly you are able to power level.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dungeon Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft

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When the original World of Warcraft came out, the diehard fans of this game have been studying about the fastest ways to level their characters. The latest technique which is also considered as the greatest technique for power leveling quickly is called the dungeon leveling.

To tell you, dungeon leveling is very, very simple. All you have to do is use the dungeon finder. Eventhough it's very simple, you aren't able to use the dungeon finder until you reach level 15. But I'll give you an overview on how to use it. It is located at the bottom of your action bard toward the right side of your screen. It looks like a small green eye. Now if you already reached level 15, you must still wait for one extra level then begin using it after you have trained your level 16 skills from your class trainer. If you are already ready to try dungeon leveling, you can now begin to look for a group after clicking the dungeon finder button. After that, all you have to do is just to sit back, relax, and watch the levels fly by.

Running solo quests is very helpful while you are still waiting for your dungeon group to form especially if you are one of the DPS or damage classes. The tanks and healers will wait for long to find a group.

Quest is the very first thing you should never overlook while you're power leveling through the dungeon system. Why? It is because it has always been a major part of leveling in WoW. It will give you a huge boost when you are instance leveling through the dungeons. You will be missing out on a lot of great gear and experience points if you will not do the quests though it's very easy to avoid. The dungeon quests award will double the experience of solo quests do which means dungeon leveling will help you power level more even faster than simply picking and choosing the right solo quests to do.

You're only problem by doing all the dungeon quests is that it could be difficult to figure out where to pick up all those quests. But the Dugi's Dungeon Leveling Guide was created for the WoW players who want to power level through the dungeons. so it means that this may be a good reason to invest in dungeon leveling guide because this is a good guide that will tell you where to pick up the dungeon quests, what level you should be when you pick them up, and where to turn them in afterward.

Instance leveling is really a great way to power level your character and at the same time, you will discover lots of Classic and Burning Crusade dungeons you have never played before. So purchase this unique dungeon leveling guide now and you'll see how fast your character power level.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Better Rewards From Instance Leveling

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There is a newer way to get your character from level 1 to 80 in record time. It is called instance leveling. Have you ever wondered how some World of Warcraft players seem to have the best gear while they’re leveling their new characters?

Better Gear

Whilst dungeon leveling allows you to gain a great deal more experience in a more limited time frame, it also provides the benefit of giving you the opportunity to get some great gear. Quite a bit of the gear that drops in the instances would never be available to you to drop on monsters that are killed out in the world. You can’t do better than picking up your gear in the dungeons, because the gear that drops off the dungeon bosses is always top shelf.

Blizzard sees dungeons as being harder to achieve than solo quests, so quests associated with dungeons on an individual basis always make better gear available than solo quests. By dungeon leveling you are on a win-win scenario - you not only get double the experience, but you get better gear as well.

Monetary Gain

You not only get better gear, but instance leveling also that provides more gold. This is due to the fact that you kill more monsters in a shorter time frame. That means more gold and vendor item to loot.

While you’re dungeon leveling, it is also the opportune time to learn how to use the auction house. The reason for this, is because you’ll have access to more items that other players will find rare or useful, and you’ll be able to sell them on the auction house. For instance, if you have stacks of cloth but you’re not a tailor, the auction house is perfect. You will end up with a variety of goods and materials over a various professions that you can sell in this manner. So it is well worth doing the instance leveling in the dungeons.

Time to Explore

It must be said though, that WoW doesn’t include maps to most of the Classic and Burning Crusade dungeons, so it could be a bit hit and miss on your part. This is where a good dungeon leveling guide will come in extremely useful for you. These maps are in the good guides, so you’ll know exactly where you’re going.

Remember, you can’t use the dungeon finder until you reach level 15, but if you have at least one level 80 character, it will be a worthwhile experience for you to try dungeon leveling with your next one. It will give you a great opportunity to explore areas of WoW that you might not have played already, and this will include killing different monsters and bosses that you haven’t seen yet.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Dungeon Strategy for Instance Leveling

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If you play World of Warcraft, you would be aware that the quickest route to level is dungeon leveling. This having been said, getting the most from the dungeon finder system is not known to everybody. You must have a dungeon strategy in place to ensure you take optimum advantage of every single run and a dungeon leveling guide is a great way to do this.

Developing Your Dungeon Strategy:

Getting a total understanding of the system and how it works is a great way to learn and then develop your own World of Warcraft dungeon strategy. For those who are not sure, dungeon leveling involves leveling your character by running chains of dungeons with other players. With the patch 3.3 (under the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion), there is a dungeon finder tool, and this makes it a more simple task to do. The dungeon finder lets you party with players from other servers, even during your server’s off times.

What type of class you are will partly influence the developing of your dungeon strategy. Healing and tanking classes, for examples will be in line a much shorter time than the damage classes. While you are waiting for your dungeon group to form, it is worthwhile to solo quest. Tanks, though, might be able to go in and out of dungeons all day long as there are way less tanks than there are DPS classes. Healers can also be in demand, but probably not as much as tanks.

Don’t Forget Your Dungeon Quests:

It’s very well worth while to spend the time and work out which quests go with which dungeons. Just one dungeon quest is like doing two solo quests. One of the most important parts of dungeon leveling, although usually the most forgotten, is having a plan for dungeon quests. Dungeon quests are considered far more difficult than solo quests, so they offer you double the experience.

Thankfully, for those wanting to take advantage of getting to power level, there is now a dungeon leveling guide created specifically for you. Dugi’s Dungeon Leveling Guide covers everything you need to know from where the quests can be found for each dungeon, to where to turn them in. The guide even takes into account that you can’t use the dungeon finder until your character reaches level 15. All the qualities of the traditional leveling guide are there, along with the new information to assist you with dungeon leveling.

Instance leveling is a great way to bring your character from level 1 to 80 with much less time and effort than it took in the beginning days of WoW. You’ll find yourself hopping from dungeon to dungeon and level to level with ease.