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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dungeon Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft

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When the original World of Warcraft came out, the diehard fans of this game have been studying about the fastest ways to level their characters. The latest technique which is also considered as the greatest technique for power leveling quickly is called the dungeon leveling.

To tell you, dungeon leveling is very, very simple. All you have to do is use the dungeon finder. Eventhough it's very simple, you aren't able to use the dungeon finder until you reach level 15. But I'll give you an overview on how to use it. It is located at the bottom of your action bard toward the right side of your screen. It looks like a small green eye. Now if you already reached level 15, you must still wait for one extra level then begin using it after you have trained your level 16 skills from your class trainer. If you are already ready to try dungeon leveling, you can now begin to look for a group after clicking the dungeon finder button. After that, all you have to do is just to sit back, relax, and watch the levels fly by.

Running solo quests is very helpful while you are still waiting for your dungeon group to form especially if you are one of the DPS or damage classes. The tanks and healers will wait for long to find a group.

Quest is the very first thing you should never overlook while you're power leveling through the dungeon system. Why? It is because it has always been a major part of leveling in WoW. It will give you a huge boost when you are instance leveling through the dungeons. You will be missing out on a lot of great gear and experience points if you will not do the quests though it's very easy to avoid. The dungeon quests award will double the experience of solo quests do which means dungeon leveling will help you power level more even faster than simply picking and choosing the right solo quests to do.

You're only problem by doing all the dungeon quests is that it could be difficult to figure out where to pick up all those quests. But the Dugi's Dungeon Leveling Guide was created for the WoW players who want to power level through the dungeons. so it means that this may be a good reason to invest in dungeon leveling guide because this is a good guide that will tell you where to pick up the dungeon quests, what level you should be when you pick them up, and where to turn them in afterward.

Instance leveling is really a great way to power level your character and at the same time, you will discover lots of Classic and Burning Crusade dungeons you have never played before. So purchase this unique dungeon leveling guide now and you'll see how fast your character power level.

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